Tuesday 15 July 2014

Meet the Team!

Welcome to team AEE Kigali! We are all volunteers with Tearfund ICS and will be spending the next ten weeks together! 

(Left to Right..) Chinwe, David, Vicky, Henry, Lion-Sam, Beth, Rachel, Claire
Chinwe is from London, UK. Chinwe likes to give out a lot of banter and brings a lot of energy to the group. She is our team photographer and along with Lion Sam she is in charge of this blog and taking photo's/ making videos!
David is the team leader, he is also known as Pastor David due to his passion and gift for speaking the Word of God. 
Vicky is from West Sussex in the UK, She is the nominated assistant to David. With a level head, and keen eye for detail she is sure to keep the team on track.
Henry is from Kigali in Rwanda. He's full of life and jokes, and along with Beth and Claire is in charge of creating our daily reports.
Lion-Sam is from Kigali, he is jointly in charge of the teams blog, he has an undying love for One Direction and Liverpool FC.
Beth is from Devon, UK. She has been tasked with keeping the teams daily reports, with a bountiful love of life she keeps the team upbeat and enthusiastic.
Rachel is from Essex, UK. She's the teams time keeper, food connoisseur and dungaree lover.
Claire is from Kigali. She is the teams nominated singer, she has such a beautiful voice and an extensive knowledge of Rwandan songs, as well as a new found love for Amazing Grace.

Group work during the in country Orientation
During our time at orientation we were asked to create a set of house rules to make out time in Rwanda run seamlessly. These are the rules that we came up with...
Kigali Team House Rules:
  1. Do everything with joy and passion
  2. Respect everyone
  3. Equal roles and responsibilities
  4. Being flexible and open minded
  5. Have daily team prayer and devotionals
  6. Eat together
  7. Time keeping
  8. Full participation
  9. Support and encourage one another
  10. Taking care of everything in the house/our environment

1 comment:

  1. I love your house rules. If you stick by those you won't go far wrong! Katherine (Rachel's mum)
