This is a page dedicated to all the different projects we have taken part in during our time here in Kigali, we've had so much fun taking part in all of these different things and feel so blessed to have had such a variety!!
One of the beneficiaries with her cow |
SSF/HIV Project:
This was one of the very first projects we took part in. It highlighted to us how dignified and sustainable AEE's work is in the community. This project is based around giving groups in the community live stock such as cows and goats in order to create a sustainable income.
Interviewing of the beneficiaries |
Hope Self-Help Group:
This is a form of self help group based around the savings and lendings scheme. Each member contributes a monthly or fortnightly amount, where the grand total is then used to improve different members businesses by providing them with capital.
Helping to build a local road |
Umuganda Saturday 26th July:
Our team took part in Umuganda and we learnt about the importance of team work and community spirit. We helped to build a road, just down from where we are living. David wrote a short piece about the ideas and concepts behind Umuganda.
Joseph the Dreamer |
Mission Outreach Sunday 3rd August:
We were so lucky to be invited to a community outreach program not far from where we are staying. We led the Sunday school through the story of Joseph the Dreamer. Later we joined in with dancing, worship and prayer; it was a wonderful day.
Playing outdoor games |
Catch-Up School Visits:
One of our longer term projects is the catch-up school. We go there once a week on a Thursday and have previously run lessons in music, drama, HIV/AIDS, hygiene and ambitions. Now that terms has started again we are following the national curriculum and teaching English, maths and science.
Working on confidence and voice projection |
Workshops at Compassion:
During the summer holidays we were asked to run sessions for the children at Compassion. We held sessions on public speaking and debating. The three times that we visited were loved by all members of our team.
Hoeing the land |
Kimihurura Farming Cooperative:
We have been visiting Kimihurura Farming Cooperative since the very begining of our time in Kigali. We have been partaking in activities such as watering and hoeing - these have been some truly hilarious sessions; lots of team bonding!
Kimihurura Farming Cooperative
Kimihurura Farming Cooperative
One-to-one English lessons |
AEE Staff Capacity Building:
One of our main projects since we have been at AEE is teaching the staff English. We have done this through one-to-one lessons that focus mostly around debating and discussions. There have been some totally amazing improvements.
AEE Staff Capacity Building
AEE Staff Capacity Building
Leading a drawing session |
Nursery School Visits:
On a Tuesday morning we have been teaching around 65 nursery school aged children for a few hours. Playing games, learning new English songs, and just generally having a great time!!
Nursery School Visits
Holiday Camp Visits:
One of our earliest projects that we got involved in was during the school holidays. We went to two different holiday clubs and ran sessions about HIV/AIDS, Drama, Music, Hygiene and Ambitions. These were a kind of one off project before the children went back to school for curriculum based teaching - but we had great fun preparing for them and running them!!
Holiday Camp Visits
Nursery School Visits
Holiday Camp Visits:
One of our earliest projects that we got involved in was during the school holidays. We went to two different holiday clubs and ran sessions about HIV/AIDS, Drama, Music, Hygiene and Ambitions. These were a kind of one off project before the children went back to school for curriculum based teaching - but we had great fun preparing for them and running them!!
Holiday Camp Visits
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